Progressive Democrats of America: Evil ALEC Crow Laws are like Jim Crow Laws

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The 99 Percent Are Winning

By Zaid Jilani, Senior Reporter/Blogger for at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. 

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was recently scheduled to make a speech on income inequality at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Yet after learning that the event would be taking place in a forum open to the public and that hundreds of protesters from Occupy Philly [...]

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nuke Power Legal Concerns Filed by 26 Groups: CSRA Activists Concerned With Nuclear Power Plant Vogtle and Other Atomic Energy Plants Include Georgia WAND and Savannah Riverkeeper

Multiple Legal Challenges: All Nuclear Reactor Licensing Must Be Delayed Or Cancelled Due To Existing Federal Law

Augusta Area Activists, Georgia WAND, Savannah Riverkeeper and Other Groups are Among 26 Organizations Across the U.S. Calling on Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Follow Legal Requirements for Reactor Licensing and Re-licensing

Waterkeeper Alliance Member

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Not only should the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) slow down reactor licensing and re-licensing in order to address a wide range of post-Fukushima health and safety concerns, but the reality is that the NRC is required to apply the brakes in order to comply with existing federal law, according to 19 separate legal challenges filed today by a total of 26 public interest groups and several individuals.

Among the 26 groups is the Georgia Women’s Action for New Directions (Georgia WAND), Savannah Riverkeeper, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.

Activists Annie Laura Stephens of Waynesboro Rev. Terence Dicks of Augusta are listed as part of the Georgia WAND's portion of the legal challenges.

Ms. Stephens and Mr. Dicks are longtime human rights and health activists in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) who have serious concerns about expansion and other plans involving nuclear power Plant Vogtle along the Savannah River near Waynesboro.

Plant Vogtle near Waynesboro is named among “the other plants across the U.S.” that activists have listed in their legal concerns, said Bobbie Paul, Executive Director of Georgia WAND.

“We are all united,” said Paul of the legal actions. “Onward we go - we'll stop them against all odds!”

Federal and State officials along with the owners of Plant Vogtle are engaging in “environment racism,” critics say.

African American residents of Waynesboro say Plant Vogtle was placed in their community because officials knew that low income black residents would have a hard time fighting expansions and other decisions involving the nuclear power plant run by Georgia Power.

The groups contend that under federal law, the NRC may not issue or renew a single reactor license until it has either strengthened regulations to protect the public from severe accident risks or until it has made a careful and detailed study of the environmental implications of not doing so.

The groups are also pursuing a technical finding from high in the NRC that leads to upgraded safety standards.

“What we’ve learned in the wake of Japan’s nuclear disaster -- and what the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s experts concluded -- is that current regulations are fundamentally inadequate,” said Phillip Musegaas, Hudson Program Director of Riverkeeper, Inc., which in August 2011 filed a contention document related to the Indian Point reactor in New York State with the NRC.

“They simply do not provide the level of safety required by laws including the National Environmental Policy Act and the Atomic Energy Act,” Musegaas said.

“The law requires regulators to take this information into account before issuing any licenses for reactors,” Musegaas said. “Our filing today is intended to force them to do so.”

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s 90-day review of the lessons learned from the meltdowns and radioactive release at Fukushima produced substantial new information that raised health and safety concerns that now must be considered in formal environmental impact statements, the groups contend.

Because of this, existing environmental impact statements for all reactors in the licensing process fail to satisfy the requirements of NEPA, and issuing licenses prior to the completion of supplemental environmental impact statements would be illegal.

“Significant regulatory changes are needed to ensure that existing or new nuclear reactors do not pose unacceptable safety and environmental risks to the public,” said Dr. Arjun Makhijani, a nuclear expert who prepared a declaration that will be filed with the contentions.

“In light of the disastrous and ongoing events at Fukushima, it is clear that the issues of public safety raised by the Task Force are exceptionally grave,” Dr. Makhijani said.

The delays that could result from additional analysis are likely to be substantial, and it is possible license applications could be rejected altogether at the end of the licensing process.

If a license is issued prior to the NRC conducting the required environmental analyses, the commission could be held accountable by federal courts.

The contentions address reactors at facilities include:
Diablo Canyon, Watts Bar, Bellefonte, Summer, South Texas, Comanche Peak, Vogtle, Turkey Point, Indian Point, Calvert Cliffs, Davis-Besse, Seabrook, Fermi, Levy, Shearon Harris, North Anna, Bell Bend and W.S. Lee

The 26 groups filing contentions with the NRC in August 2011 are listed below.

An example from the contentions that were filed can be found at:
The supporting technical declaration can be found at:
The 26 Groups filing contentions include:

Beyond Nuclear

Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

Center for a Sustainable Coast

Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario

Don’t Waste Michigan

Ecology Party of Florida

Friends of the Coast

Friends of the Earth

Green Party of Ohio

National Parks Conservation Association


New England Coalition

NIRS Southeast

People’s Alliance for Clean Energy

Public Citizen

Reduction Network in COL

Riverkeeper Inc

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League

SEED Coalition

Sierra Club (Michigan Chapter)

Sierra Club of New Hampshire

For more information contact:
Nick Berning
Leslie Anderson
NCR Info/photos of the Alvin Ward Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant
Plant Vogtle Wikipedia:
Plant Vogtle website:
News story about opposition to actions involving Plant Vogtle:
Environmental Racism: Georgia Nukes Selectively Penalize Black Communities
By Black Agenda Report (BAR) Managing Editor Bruce A. Dixon

Video of Annie Laura Stephens, a resident of rural Waynesboro, Ga., describing the impact of Plant Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant on her community:

Links related to this blog:

Monday, August 1, 2011

2011 "Hope and Unity" Rally reset for new date Monday, August 22 at the state capitol: Join Democratic Party of Georgia, its allies and residents as they fight GOP lies and the Republican Party painful state legislation that is hurting Georgia residents

(Atlanta, Georgia) - Georgia residents - and anyone – who are sick of right-wing legislation that is hurting state residents and their children are invited to the Hope & Unity Rally this month at the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta.

The "Hope & Unity Rally" will be held starting at 9 a.m. on the new date - Monday, August 22, 2011.

The rally date was changed from the middle of the August to the fourth Monday "due to Governor Deal’s restrictive policies regarding rallies at the State Capitol," organizers said.

This purpose of this "call-to-action" at the state capitol is to "unite Georgians that have been sidelined by our state’s republican legislation: policies that are against public education, against workers and anti-middle class," said Mike Berlon, chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia.

The Democratic Party of Georgia is "partnering with several affiliate organizations for the Hope & Unity Rally at the Georgia Capitol," he said.

Organizers are hoping for a "good turnout for this event," Berlon said.

The Georgia State Capitol is located at 206 Washington Street in Atlanta.

The event website is:

The Democratic Party of Georgia and the GaJournalist on YouTube present veteran GA U.S. Congressman John Lewis "Trouble:

U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-GA 5th District) is a 13-term Democrat from the great state of Georgia
13-term Georgia Congressman speaks out about the "Trouble" facing Georgia families thanks to Republican policies and legislation

Funeral Services Were Held on August 5, 2011 For Civil Rights Leader: Honoring the life and leadership of Reverend Dr. Howard W. Creecy, Jr., the late president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Funeral services were held August 5, 2011 for SCLC President Howard W. Creecy, Jr.

Rev. Dr. Creecy died of an apparent heart attack early on Thursday, July 28, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia at the age of 57.

Rev. Dr. Creecy was a third generation gospel preacher, teacher and pastor.

He was serving as pastor of The Olivet Church in Fayetteville County, GA.

The photo of Rev. Dr. Creecy is courtesy The Olivet Church website

Here is the story in aka 

Excellent bio of Reverend Dr. Howard W. Creecy, Jr., the late president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference 

Click the following link to a blog that does a great job covering African American issues including the untimely death of 57-year-old Rev. Dr. Howard Creecy, Jr.: 

Politics, Policy, Pathology and Hope WITHIN The Black Community: Condolences To The Family Of Rev Dr Howard Creecy Jr 

(Link to AP Photo/Atlanta Journal & Constitution, John Spink via

In the photo at the above link, Southern Christian Leadership Conference President Howard Creecy Jr. listens to the keynote speaker, during the National Southern Leadership Conference breakfast in Atlanta.

Dr. Creecy, a Mobile, Alabama, native, died early Thursday, July 28, 2011 of an apparent heart attack in Atlanta.

The photo was taken on April 4, 2011 by John Spink of the Atlanta Journal & Constitution newspapers.

Rev. Bernice King was elected as the first female SCLC president in 2009 but “declined to take office while the organization suffered through divisive legal battles,” stated a January 24, 2011 article written by Denise Stewart on

Rev. Bernice King is the youngest daughter of first SCLC President - slain civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King., Jr.

During that period Rev. Dr. Howard Creecy, Jr. served as interim president and was officially named president in January 2011 when Ms. King again declined to accept the office.

Click on the names (links) of the SCLC Presidents through the years: 

1957-1968            Martin Luther King, Jr.

1968-1977            Ralph Abernathy

1977-1997            Joseph Lowery

1997-2004            Martin Luther King III

2004-2004            Fred Shuttlesworth

2004-2009            Charles Kenzie Steele, Jr.

2009-Present        Rev. Dr. Howard W. Creecy, Jr.

Links related to the Claiming A Street Named King Project:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Claiming A Street Named King" - Honoring All Civil Rights Leaders and Community Activists

A longtime community and civil rights activist, Rev. Terence Dicks of Augusta, Georgia created the “Claiming A Street Named King” project.

Rev. Terence Dicks (left), Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers
Claiming A Street Named King” is an initiative Mr. Dicks started during his tenure as chair of Georgia Clients Council.

In hopes of spurring “community and economic development,” the project is about “taking back the street by building businesses and homes on the crime-ridden abandoned boulevards that bear the name of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

An advocate for the low to moderate income people in Georgia, Rev. Dicks hopes to help others “improve the condition of boulevards named after Martin Luther King, Jr. across Georgia” and hopes it will turn into a nationwide effort.

However the project also has a wider scope:

Dicks said the project would welcome claiming back streets named after other civil rights leaders and activists from all backgrounds.

For example, the project would welcome groups or persons who want to revitalize streets named for late God Father of Soul Mr. James Brown, the late Coretta Scott King, Muhammad Ali, Jesse Jackson, Grace Lee Boggs, the late Cesar Chavez and others.

“All of these community leaders have messages of hope and accomplishment,” said Dicks, who hopes to hear from the centers, foundations and projects of these community leaders.

“People can identify with their day to day struggles,” he said.

“Above all they cared about the community they came from,” Dicks said. “They all have made a historic difference.”

Reclaiming the streets and heritage of these civic leaders can reinvigorate “economic development and economic empowerment” in each community that honors their work.

Mr. Dicks wants “to see those streets given a second chance with the support of the Georgia Legal Services Program and supporters like author Jonathon Tilove.”

 Author Jonathon Tilove “wrote the book that inspired me” to start the “Claiming A Street Named King” project.

Mr. Tilove wrote the book “Along Martin Luther King: Travels on Black America's Main Street.”

While the “Claiming A Street Named King” project is still in the planning phase, Mr. Dicks hopes those interested with call, email or message his internet sites like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook.

 The project is also receiving support from Professor Derek H. Alderman, a research fellow at East Carolina University.

“Dr. Alderman is a geographer who has helped us to work on a plan for the redevelopment of the Martin Luther King Jr. boulevards,” Rev. Dicks said. “He is an expert on how to develop those types of properties.”

Labeled by the media as a “King Street naming expert,” Dr. Alderman has written numerous formal papers and co-wrote a book about the naming of streets for the slain civil rights leader entitled “Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory.”

Mr. Dicks first heard Dr. Alderman during the Tavis Smiley radio talk show.

The 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination is only two years away.

“Some are and were really beautiful but vast majority were in really bad shape,” Mr. Dicks said.

“There was a lot of hope around those streets and what he did for me is he reminded me of why we name those streets for Martin Luther King, Jr.,” Mr. Dicks said.

“And the good feelings we had after we named the streets,” he said “But I realized we had not claimed the streets named after Dr. King.”

“Most important reason we are doing this because we were fortunate that Dr. King lived in our lifetime,” Mr. Dicks said.

While some of today’s youth have been taught about Dr. King, “we are heading into the second or third generation who doesn’t know about Dr. King and his achievements,” Rev. Dicks said.

“The generation that starts it (saving Dr. King boulevards) doesn’t have to be the generation who built it,” he said.

“We have to keep Dr. King’s work alive – keep it relevant and cogent,” Mr. Dicks said.

“The Georgia Clients Council and I have been discussing a tool kit for the development of a King Street program,” Rev. Dicks said, adding “we are planning to do something more formal here in Augusta.”

“Claiming A Street Named King” Official website:

Revitalizing MLK Augusta: A Preliminary Report:

2007 Report on “Claiming A Street Named King” to the Georgia Clients Council
Submitted by the University of Georgia School of Environmental Design

A Walkability Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Drive, or Avenue
By Derek H. Alderman, Department of Geography, East Carolina University

Mr. Anibal Ibarra is concerned about is healthcare reform and the true “multimedia journalist“ has posted his opinions on twitter and created videos posted online under titles like “Healthcare Nightmare.”

Ibarra has posted videos on youtube about the 2010 Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in Augusta, GA

Commemoration of Martin Luther King: Why King Still Matters?

On January 14, 2010, the Congregation Children of Israel hosted “Keeping the Dream Alive: Why Dr. King Still Matters, an interfaith service of celebration organized by the Progressive Religious Coalition of Augusta.

Among those attending were members of the CSRA Peace Alliance.

Anibal Ibarra recorded much of the proceedings and posted the following videos to YouTube.

Anibal Show on youtube

King Videos:

Part #1

Part #2

Part #3

Part #4

Part #5

Part #6

Part #7

Georgia Clients Council on Facebook:

Related Links

Terence Dicks on Flickr – PhotoStream

Terence Dicks on Flickr – Profile

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Terence Dicks on MySpace

Terence Dicks on Twitter

Terence Dicks on Viddler

Terence Dicks on Yahoo